Monday, April 27, 2009


I know my friends aren't perfect, but they are precious.
Treat them accordingly.

I say, "Those Darn Guys"

But the truth is that it's not always the guy's fault.

I hate that if a girl is interested in a guy at all, he trumps me. He gets all the attention, and I just have to wait. Sometimes for her to lose interest. Sometimes for him to break her heart so I can sweep up the pieces. I've been here for forever. I've always known that she's awesome, but he's a guy so he trumps me. Sometimes it hurts.

I hate how girls are so much fun when guys aren't around. When guys are around that changes, even if there isn't that fixation.

Or when a girl is dating and the guy she's with is gone, she's totally different and mopey. I'm not fun enough to enjoy? You've forgotten how to be happy by yourself in the two months that you've been dating?

And there's always the bad relationships, and the guys I want to kick. Only those are partly the girls fault too. Why do you let him get so close? If it hasn't worked before, why would it work now? Don't expect him to be something that he's proved he's not. If he fools you once, shame on him...

Also a friend got engaged this week. We're not really close, but I'm still weirded out. I'm not that jealous. I think it just feels weird to be left behind.

But I can't say that because some of my friends should be with the guys they're with, because I can't be there for them like their men can. And I can't say it because in some cases, it's too true.

I want to rail about how men ruin everything. I want to blame them. Only it's not always their fault. Maybe that's why it hurts so much.

Saturday, April 18, 2009


I went hiking today with friends and had a marvelous time.
On the way home I found myself wishing and imagining that I had a husband or bf to share it all with.
Which is ridiculous!
I have friends that I did share it with. The scenery was so beautiful. It wouldn't be enhanced by anyone else; I would just be distracted.
God, help me.